The Deification of Humanity

A fallacy can be perpetuated so long, that many come to accept it as truth. The “theory” of evolution for example, usually presented as “fact,” is believed by most, including some of its advocates, to be scientific law, and not the unproved “theory” it is. Part of the myth foisted on the public is that evolution is the monolithic view of the scientific community in opposition to the creation model of existence. This is not the case.

Scientists are not united on the question of origins. Some are Bible believing creationists. Some are atheists but admit that the question of origins is beyond the scope of scientific discovery, which can only deal with what exists, not with what exists before it existed. “God” may be as plausible as any explanation. Even ardent evolutionists are not united. Traditional evolutionists claim a slow gradual process over billions of years, recognizing that complex organisms cannot suddenly generate. “Punctuation” evolutionists argue sudden change must have occurred, because the fossil record does not support slow progressive evolution.

One thing is true: the deification of humanity has fallen short of expectations; we really do not know everything. Perhaps even the scientific community should take this sound advice: “Cease striving and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).